Hi Friends!
Do you like visiting other teachers' classrooms?? I enjoy walking around and asking questions about things I see that I'm interested in knowing more about. I've learned so much from my teacher friends over the years. I have one particular friend, Mrs. Olson, who loves finding ways to engage her students. This fall she added a "recording booth" to her classroom after her school implemented a new technology plan in which all of her students would have their own iPad. I was intrigued the minute I saw it and had to learn more about how it's used in 3rd grade classroom.
First of all it's not a real recording booth like you might see in a recording studio. It's actually a zippered wardrobe rack from IKEA. Mrs. Olson told me that she wanted a space for students to feel comfortable recording on their iPad without others looking at them. Students are allowed to go inside, one at a time, to record on their iPad and then send their recording to their teacher to view later. (They use an app called
Quick Voice.) This is done during center rotations, so most students can use the booth at least once a week. Students are given assignments such as recording information about a text they are reading or explaining a math strategy and why it works. Mrs. Olson says that the assignments are based on whatever they are currently studying in a variety of subject areas and it's a great way to check for understanding.
Here are some photos:
The light on the left is turned on when a student goes inside to
record something on his/her iPad. |
This is what it looks like on the inside. |
This is the sign on the outside.
Thanks for sharing your awesome idea, Mrs. Olson!! |