Hi Friends,
Today I'd like to share how my school recognizes our Students of the Week. First of all, each classroom teacher chooses one student a week based on any criteria they choose. It can be behavior, academics, character traits, etc. The teacher fills out a form that states the child's name and the reason he/she was chosen. The form is turned in to the principal who reads the child's name and reason for being chosen on the intercom on Monday morning. The Student of the Week gets to go to the office and choose a small prize (coloring book, pencil, crayons, markers, folder,etc.). The principal sends a certificate home to the parents of the child, so they know their child was recognized. We also have a Student of the Week bulletin board in the hallway next to the office where each student's picture is hung when they are chosen. The principal picks a Staff Member of the Week as well. We do this every week of the school year.
In my classroom, I give my Student of the Week a certificate and a special sign that hangs on his/her chair for the week. (Target $ Section) I also have a Student of the Week poster that I fill out with the child's help. This is done in front of the class. The Student of the Week gets to wear special "star" glasses as he/she helps to fill out the poster. When we are done filling out the poster, the kids get to ask the Student of the Week questions. Most questions start like this, "What's your favorite...?"
The Student of the Week must answer in a complete sentence. For example, if a student asks, "What's your favorite kind of pizza?" The Student of the Week must answer, "My favorite kind of pizza is pepperoni." This is a great opportunity for kids to practice asking questions and answering in complete sentences.
My kids love being chosen as our Student of the Week. I believe EVERY student has something special that he/she can be recognized for at school. Here are a few pictures:)