Thursday, November 8, 2012

Word Banks

Hi Friends!
Do you make seasonal, holiday or thematic word banks?  I have been making them with my
students for years.  I've made the word banks in a variety of ways.  Sometimes I use a large piece
of butcher paper that I cut into a shape related to the topic.  After recording the
words the kids dictate to me, I ask them to illustrate each of the words.  I glue each picture next to
the corresponding word on our chart.  Other times, I have the kids dictate words related to our topic and I write the words on 3x5 index cards.  They illustrate the words and put them in a pocket chart.
The kids have access to these words when they are writing.  They can go to the pocket chart, take
a word they need to their desk, and then return it when they are done.  I really like using index
cards because when I am done with a particular theme, I can take the words out of the pocket chart,  put them on a metal ring, and keep them in the writing center all year. 
Here are some photos showing how I used index cards for our Halloween word bank.

I use metal shower curtain rings to hold the cards.


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