Hi Friends!
Today I'd like to share how I made my writing folders this year using
photos of my students. First, I sent a note home to each parent requesting pictures
of their child that would be great photos to write about. I asked them to include
a variety of pictures including holiday, seasonal, special occasions or events, and family & friends.
Next, I took the pictures and copied them on the copier in black & white. I reduced the
size of some photos so I could fit as many as possible. Last, I glued them on the front
of a folder & laminated it. I would love to share all of the folders with you because they
turned out AWESOME, but I would have to white out all of their faces because I am not
allowed to share their photos on my blog. So, I made a folder with pictures of my son Austin.
He's not a first grader. He's almost 20 and he would probably be mad if he knew
I included a picture of him in a Barney costume. I did not laminated his folder, but I think
you get the idea. You can see from the photos that Austin would have lots of ideas to write about!
Happy Writing!!
P.S. I have a wonderful student teacher that helped to cut & glue all the pictures. Thanks, Kate!