It's that time of year again. The flies will be making their way to your neighborhood to bug the heck out of you very soon. If you are in need of a new flyswatter, check these out. I found them at Walmart and picked up a couple for a sight word recognition game my students like to play.
Here's how I use them in my classroom. I have sight words posted on a pocket chart. I divide the class into two teams. One student from each team stands in front of the pocket chart with a flyswatter. I call out a sight word. The first student to swat the word earns a point for his/her team. I have a small class, so kids gets several turns in a short time. There are lots of variations of this game. If you use flyswatters in your room, I would love to hear how you use them.
Hi Friends! I can't believe it is May already! I have 15 days of school to go and year 27 will be complete!!
Today I would like to share my Listening Center area with you and some tips on making it run smoothly. Here's a picture of my Listening Center materials.
As you can see, I use a 3 tier metal shelf with the books & CDs on the top shelf. I usually have anywhere from 6-8 books & CDs in the tub at one time. Each book/CD is stored in a plastic baggie. I purchased most of my books & CDs from Scholastic.
The headphones on the second shelf are WIRELESS and I can't tell you how much I LOVE the listening center now because of this. NO MORE TANGLED WIRES!!
The third shelf holds the CD player. I have labeled each of the buttons on the player with numbers, so the kids know which button to push first, second, etc. I spent a lot of time at the beginning of the year teaching EVERY student how to operate the CD player and the headphones. It has really paid off. I rarely have someone ask for help.
My students love going to the Listening Center every day. I love it because it's wireless!!!
I have 28 years of teaching experience at the primary level. Most of my experience has been in first grade, but I have taught kindergarten and second grade as well. I enjoy learning from others and sharing my ideas. Come in and stay a while.