Hi Friends!
I recently received a Versatile Blogger Award from Tamera at http://myheartbelongsinfirst.blogspot.com/.
It was so sweet of her to choose to pass it on to me after receiving it herself. Here's my dilema.
I don't know how to add the award to my blog page. I also have to choose 15 other new bloggers
to give this award to. I don't know how to put the buttons of the ones I choose on my blog with a link back to their sites. I feel so "technologically challenged" when it comes to doing these things. I had a professional designer set up my blog for me, so I don't know how to add or change anything.
I've talked to other new bloggers who feel the same way. I've often thought that it would be
really nice if someone who knows how to do "all things Blogger" would write a how to booklet
and sell it on TPT for new bloggers like me. It would have to be in easy to follow steps for PC
and/or MAC users. I also have questions about "linky parties." I would like to join some of
them, but I just don't know how to do it. Finally, I would like to make some freebies to give
away on my blog, but I don't know where to begin. So, now you know my big dilema.
For those of you who know how to do all of these things and more, please consider putting something
together for all of the newbies like me. I am willing to pay MONEY!!
Thank you!!